Clixgrid is a game exclusively played by Clixsense members. These are both played by standard and Premium Clixsense members. Although standard members can play Clixgrid, Premium has higher chances to win the game because as a Premium Clixsense Account Holder, you will have 50 chances to win in Clixgrid, compared to a standard member who only has 25 chances to win. You can win several amounts depending on your luck. It can be as low as $.01 to as high as $5.00!
Clixgrid is easy to play. You are not only enjoying the game, you are also earning! So, without further adieu,
STEP # 1: Click on the [CLIXGRID] tab.
The Clixgrid tab looks something like this:
If you hover your mouse over to the Clixgrid tab, it will also show you several options. (1) Play the Game and (2) My Clicks History are for members, (3) Buy a Link, (4) My Links (5) My Link Stats are for Advertisers. For the sake of this discussion, we simply need to click on "Play the Game" to start our chances of winning with Clixgrid! Also, simply clicking on the Clixgrid Tab will also route you over to the game. There is no need to hover your mouse first, just click it right away!
Step # 2: Click on the Clixgrid picture.
Each click will open up a sponsor's site that you will have to view.
Don't you know that the Clixgrid Picture is 30 boxes in length and 20 boxes in width.
However, technically speaking, a Premium member would have greater chances of winning because a Premium member has 50 chances per day to try his luck and win up to $5.00. On the other hand, a standard Clixsense member, only has 25 chances.
However, technically speaking, a Premium member would have greater chances of winning because a Premium member has 50 chances per day to try his luck and win up to $5.00. On the other hand, a standard Clixsense member, only has 25 chances.
STEP 3: Wait for the timer to expire.
The timer of the advertisement that you are viewing is dependent on the type of your Clixsense membership. If you are viewing a standard member, you will need to wait for 10 seconds before the timer will expire. However, if you are viewing as a Premium member, you only need to wait for 5 seconds!
Please bear in mind that the timer will not complete if you are not focused to the advertisement. For example you are clicking on other tabs or opening other Internet browsers or windows. This is a recent development that has been implemented by the Clixsense web developers. This is to guarantee that Advertisers are getting their money's worth in promoting their ads to Clixsense!
STEP 4: Close the window after you receive the validation message.
After the timer has expired, you should see a confirmation message that looks like this: " Your click has been validated but you were not a winner this time. You have (1-50) chances left today."
This indicates that your click has been identified but you did not win. The good thing is you still have few chances left to try your luck again.
In many instances, you might feel lucky, and this is what it looks like if you win in Clixgrid.
This photo shows that I won $0.50!
This photo shows that I won 5 extra chances and $0.25 respectively.
As shown from the pictures above, your win may vary depending on your luck. You may win for as little as $0.00, but, you may also win for as high as $5.00! You may also pick an advertisement where you will be given 5 extra chances of winning. Clixsense is really an absolute fun, and also an absolutely great way to earn extra money from Clixsense.