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How to Make Money from BuxP?

There are many  different ways to earn money from BuxP. That's why this is one of the elite sites to earn money from while you sit back at the convenience of your home. On top of the fact that there are several ways to from BuxP, we can also guarantee that they wont go anywhere because they've been up since 2008. Only a few PTC sites could last this long, and BuxP is one of them. Below are the ways to earn from BuxP. 

1.BROWSE WEBSITE ADS - Obviously, you can earn money from BuxP by viewing advertisements. That's why it's a paid-to-click (PTC) site in the first place.
 These are the personal earnings per visit on BUXP? 

  Standard Members 

 10 Second Ads: $0.001
 30 Second Ads: $0.005
 45 Second Ads: $0.006
 Video Ads: $0.001
 Video Offer Ads: $0.003
 Premium Members
 10 Second Ads: $0.002
 30 Second Ads: $0.01
 45 Second Ads: $0.011
 Video Ads: $0.002
 Video Offer Ads: $0.006
  These are the earnings per visit from member's referrals on BUXP?
 Standard Members
 10 Second Ads: $0.0005
 30 Second Ads: $0.002
 45 Second Ads: $0.003
 Premium Members
 10 Second Ads: $0.001
 30 Second Ads: $0.004
 45 Second Ads: $0.006 
 7.5% Commission from sales made via your referral link.
2. BROWSE VIDEO ADS - This is a way for members to earn by simply viewing on youtube videos for a certain number of seconds. The rate of payment here is higher than the rate when you click on ads. 

When you click on a description, a screen will open and you will be able to click a button "Click here to view the video". Depending on the browser you use (Firefox is recommended), a pop-up/pop-under youtube video will open. You should NOT close this pop-up/pop-under while the countdown is active. When the countdown has finished, push the "Click here to get credited" button and move on to the next video. You must disable all adblockers scripts and disturbing add-ons in order to earn credits. Firefox and Chrome are preferred browsers to view these video ads in.
 3. BROWSE VIDEO OFFERS - You can earn money here by viewing video offers.

 5 Step Success Guide:
 #1: Click on a video description, read the requirements upon success and open the video.
 #2: Make sure you are logged in on youtube, like and make a minimum 5 word topic related comment on the specific video.
 #3: Copy your comment in the correct format (comment + username and time).
 #4: Paste it in the box and submit your offer request.
 #5: Wait until your offer gets approved. If you fail to submit your offer 5 times in a row you will be banned from this earning section.

NEW: For every 50 video offers you complete in a row you will receive a $0.10 bonus instantly added to your balance!
 4. BROWSE OFFERS - You will get paid here by completing offers.

 5 Step Success Guide:
 #1: Find the offer you want to complete and click on "View Instructions & Complete" to open the offer screen.
 #2: On the left side of the screen you can see the requirements upon success. Read these.
 #3: On the right side of the screen you can see the proof instructions. This is proof required by you to provide to us in order to get credited.
 #4: Open the offer website and complete the requirements.
 #5: Enter the proof instructions in the text box or upload your screenshot (if asked) and submit your offer request once the offer has been completed.

5. BROWSE SURVEYS - You will get paid here by completing surveys. When you complete a particular survey, you earn points, once you have accumulated enough points, you can exchange them for:
 Lottery Tickets (50 Points)
 500 Traffic Exchange Credits(100 Points)
 1 Referral(150 Points)
 1000 Traffic Exchange Credits(200 Points)
 1000 Member Visits(450 Points)
 1000 Youtube Views(500 Points)
 5 Referrals(750 Points)
 2500 Member Visits(1000 Points)
 1 Month Premium Membership(1250 Points)

6. TRAFFIC EXCHANGE - To begin earning traffic exchange credits, view the first ad below. Once this ad has been successfully viewed, your browser will be automatically directed to the next ad. This will continue until there are no more ads available for you to view. 


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